Presidents' Message
We are excited to unveil CLAPA to you! Why do we need another association and what makes this one different than all the others that have popped up over the years? If you’ve been in the profession for a while questions like this will come to mind for you - they did for us too! Our response was to create the association that we, as acupuncture and Chinese medicine practitioners, have always wanted. Our mission is simple: promote and educate the public on the many benefits of acupuncture and Chinese medicine and to provide high quality CEU events that are relevant to your practice. When your practice succeeds the profession succeeds! How do we intend to accomplish this?
We will have a presence at many high-profile events with demonstrations and public talks so the public has greater exposure to what Chinese medicine can do. We are in the midst of developing a strong social media presence. Next we will provide CEU events with discounts for our members. These will be clinically useful and some with a focus on practice building and managing. We know as well as you do that it takes more than medical skills to have a successful practice. We need the skills, tools and mindset to grow our practices into successful businesses.
You might notice is that there are no membership dues! Membership in CLAPA will continue to be free of charge for the foreseeable future. We also welcome student members. In fact, to promote and enhance the profession we are offering an annual scholarship of $888 to a student enrolled in an acupuncture program in Alberta.
Please join us and help us create a vibrant acupuncture and Chinese medicine community for the betterment of our profession and the health of Albertans!
- Dr. Lynda Smith